Got a Question? Find out why Aqua Health is the leading choice in colonic hydrotherapy Melbourne has to offer.
A colonic appointment lasts approximately one hour and you can carry on with your day as normal after a session. In fact, it will probably be a great day.
As with gardening, if you don’t prepare and fertilise the soil, plants will not live. The helpful bacteria can only live in an acidic environment; the harmful ones thrive in an alkaline environment.
Most people, due to years of improper eating, lack of exercise and poor elimination, have an alkaline colon. The great benefit of the cleansing program is changing the environment from alkaline to acid.
If we make conditions favourable in the colon for bifidophilus and acidophilus cultures – the good bacteria – they will populate. Removing toxic material and gases is the first step; replenishing good bacteria can then be accomplished using oral supplementation.
Laxatives are an irritant, causing the body to produce a thin, watery substance that goes through the colon and leaves behind impacted toxins and waste on the walls of the colon, at the same time depleting the colon of good bacteria. Laxatives can also become very habit forming.
Common effects are sinus drainage, a loosening of mucous in the lungs, an improved range of motion, skin tightening, feeling younger, clearing of acne and skin conditions, improved posture, abdomen softening and shrinking, relief from headaches, less fatigue, body weight correction, relief from bloating and improved bowel function.
Colonic hydrotherapy works to soothe and tone the colon, helping it to eliminate more efficiently. The function as a whole reduces the burden on other organs and the lymphatic system.
The main benefit received from releasing the old toxic waste is that we remove the number one source of disease in the body. The bowel then works more efficiently in eliminating the waste, and nutrient absorption is improved.
Contact us for more information about Aqua Health’s colonic Melbourne CBD clinic or our St Kilda clinic.
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